Hilde Holger
school of contemporary dance

Hilde Holger school of contenporary dance
Legendary expressionist dancer and choreographer Hilde Holger. Her life and dance lessons are filled with love for people and nature.

1 Page Top
2 Trailer
3 Overview
5 Cast & Staffs
6 Photo from Hilde's life
7 More...
8 Watch on demand



“Her generosity, her artistic instinct, her cultural wealth and enthusiasm were for melifeblood. Through her I received a lasting wealth of inspiration and discipline ...It expanded my understanding of the language of dance, music and design.
.... Without Hilde Holger I would not be where I am today and who I am.”

Lindsay Kemp (Dancer, Choreographer)

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Legendary expressionist dancer andchoreographer Hilde Holger (1905~2001).
Her life and dance lessons are filled with love for people and nature.
Lindsay Kemp learned dance from her and adored her.
“Hilde Holger school of contemporary dance” introduces her dance lesson in 1999 and her choreographed works.

Hilde Holger school of contenporary dance Photo2

Cast & Staff

Cast:  Hilde Holger, Wolfgang Stange
Cinematographer: Go Nonaka
Director: Go Nonaka
Documentary / 57min / 2000(Original)&2019(Degital remastering) / Japan

Photo from Hilde's life


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